

Diversions! (1968)

"...Diversions! is one of the hidden treasures of late 60s British pop - a witty, gentle and quintessentially English collection of words and music cloaked in a series of ornate, baroque arrangements so beloved of the immediately post-psychedelic UK studio sound. Let's hope, then, that this first-ever reissue - assembled with the active co-operation of the artist, by the way - manages to redress the balance somewhat and introduce a few new converts to the album's considerable charms."
Men of the Iron Gang
Barry Booth / Yoram Gross
Gotta Whole Lotta Trouble
Barry Booth / Phil Brown
Whole Lotta Sorrow
Barry Booth / Davy Clinton
Do It Just For Me
Barry Booth / Paul MacDowell
Nothing More To Look Forward To
Barry Booth / Paul MacDowell
Odd Man Out
Barry Booth / Phil Brown
Love's Like A One Armed Bandit
Barry Booth / Phil Brown
Don't Be Stupid
Barry Booth / Phil Brown
Don't Be Stupid (Latin American version)
Barry Booth / Phil Brown
Now You're My Valentine
Barry Booth / Phil Brown
Do That Again
Barry Booth / Nathan Joseph
You Promised
Barry Booth / Nathan Joseph
Score It Wasn't Very Long Ago (Booth)
Barry Booth / Nat Joseph
Score It Wasn't Very Long Ago (Orbison)
Barry Booth / Nat Joseph
Barry Booth / Chris Sandford
If You See Her You Can Tell Her From Me
Barry Booth / Chris Sandford
Score The Little Village Pond
Barry Booth / Robert A. Gray
Ee By Gum (Booth)
Barry Booth / Robert A. Gray
Ee By Gum (Rolf Harris)
Barry Booth / Robert A. Gray
Bald is Beautiful
Barry Booth / Robert A. Gray
Siamese Twins
Barry Booth / Robert A.Gray
Video Two Peas in a Pod
Barry Booth / Gerald Wiley
Video Two-Man One-Man Band
Barry Booth / Gerald Wiley
Video Bundles of Fun
Barry Booth / Gerald Wiley
Video Ballad of Snivelling and Grudge
Barry Booth / Gerald Wiley
Score The Grim Reaper (original)
Barry and Cornelius Booth
Score The Grim Reaper (L'Estrange)
Barry and Cornelius Booth
Cartoon Crazy
Barry Booth / Robert A. Gray

Fran Landesman lyrics

Barry has set a shed load of Fran Landesman lyrics to music. Check 'em out.
Fran Landesman lyrics
Fran Landesman