Welcome to The Baz Booth Zone

Welcome to the Baz Booth Zone - the only site on the world wide web devoted solely to the life and works of Barry Booth, a man of whom it has often been said, and rightly so.
  • Marvel at the epic voyage from childhood to manhood and back again in the biography section.
  • Be astounded by the range and versatility of his music.
  • Sit in slack-mouthed awe at the exploits of his family.
  • And slip into drooling imbecility at the images in the gallery.

You'll also find some fun bits and bobs in the aptly named Bitz and Bobz section, and an engaging dissertation on the subject of Cheese.


Baz Newz!

New Site

added Monday, 5th of November, 2012
As you may have noticed, Baz has had his site (the one you are looking at right now) overhauled. There may still be a few kinks and bugs so if you spot any, do let Baz know.
homepage image

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